
Ali Baklouti

Professor of Mathematics at the Faculty of Sciences of Sfax

About me! Download my CV

About me

Research Interests

Harmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces
Representation theory of solvable Lie groups
Fourier analysis and uncertainty principles
Deformation of discontinuous groups and related problems

Awards and Honours

Royal Society Africa Prize 2024
Order of Merit for Education and Teaching: President of the Republic of Tunisia Prize 2024
Speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians–ICM 2002 , Beijing, China (International Mathematical Union)

Academic Recognition

President Head of the Laboratory "Applied Mathematics and Harmonic Analysis : LAMHA LR 11 ES 52 (since 2011)
Deputy Director of the Mediterranean Institute of Mathematical Sciences (since January 2012)
Higher Expert in Research and Education, Erasmus+ Tunisia office-European Commission (since 2023)
Vice-President of the University of Sfax (2020-2024)
President of the Tunisian Mathematical Society (2016-2023)


Since 2004 Professor Faculty of Sciences of Sfax
1999-2004 Associate Professor Faculty of Sciences of Sfax
1998-1999 Assistant Professor Faculty of Sciences of Sfax
1995-1997 A.T.E.R University of Metz (France)

Scientific Publications

[1] A. Baklouti: Le Cortex en dimension six. Publication du centre universitaire de Luxembourg. Fascicule V, 1993(7 - 45).

[2] A. Baklouti: On the Cortex of connected Simply connected Nilpotent Lie Groups. Russ. J. Math. Physics. Volume 5, Number 3. 1997(281-294).

[3] A. Baklouti, J. Ludwig et M. Selmi: Séparation des représentations unitaires et irréductibles des groupes de Lie nilpotents. Lie Theory and its applications in Physics. Volume 2. 1997 (75-91).

[4] A. Baklouti: Nouvelle désintégration lisse de L2(G) pour les groupes résolubles exponentiels. Journal of Lie Theory. Volume 8.1998 (1-26).

[5] A. Baklouti et J. Ludwig: Désintégration des représentations monomiales des groupes de Lie nilpotents. Journal of Lie Theory. Volume 9. N 1. 1999(157-191).

[6] A. Baklouti: Harmonic Analysis On Invariant Differential Operators On Nilpotent Homogenous Spaces. Russ. J. Math. Physics. Volume 6, N 2.1999(125-136).

[7] A. Baklouti and J. Ludwig: The Penney-Fujiwara Plancherel Formula for nilpotent Lie groups. J. Math. Kyoto Univ. Volume 40, N 1. 2000.

[8] D. Arnal, A. Baklouti, J. Ludwig and M. Selmi: Separation of Unitary representations of exponential solvable Lie groups. Journal of Lie Theory. Volume 10. N 2. 2000(399-410).

[9] A. Baklouti et J. Ludwig: Entrelacement des restrictions des représentations unitaires des groupes de Lie nilpotents. Annales de L'institut Fourier. Grenoble, Volume 51, N 2, 2001(1-35).

[10] A. Baklouti, C. Benson and G. Ratcliff: Moment Separation of the unitary dual of nilpotent Lie Groups. Journal of Lie Theory. Volume 11. N 1, 2001(153-154).

[11] A. Baklouti and J. Ludwig: Invariant Differential Operators On Certain Nilpotent Homogeneous Spaces. Monatshefte für Mathematik, Volume 134, N 1, 2001(19-37).

[12] A. Baklouti and H. Fujiwara: Harmonic Analysis on some Exponential Homogeneous Spaces. Research and Exposition in Math, Volume 25, N 1, 2001(127-134).

[13] A. Baklouti and H. Hamrouni: On the Down-Up Representations of Exponential Solvable Lie Groups. Russ. J. Math. Physics. Volume 8, N 4, 2001(422-432).

[14] A. Baklouti, A. Ghorbel et H. Hamrouni: Sur Les Représentations Mixtes Des Groupes de Lie Résolubles Exponentiels. Publ. Mat. Volume 46, 2002(179-199).

[15] A. Baklouti, J. Ludwig and K. Smaoui: Estimate of the Lp -Fourier transform norm of Nilpotent Lie Groups. J. Funct. Anal. 199, 2003(508-520).

[16] A. Baklouti et H. Fujiwara: Opérateurs Différentiels Associés à Certaines Représentations Unitaires des Groupes de Lie Résolubles Exponentiels. Compositio. Math. Volume 139, 2003(29-65).

[17] A. Baklouti and H. Fujiwara: Commutativité de l’algèbre des Opérateurs différentiels sur l’espace des représentations restreintes des groupes de Lie nilpotents. J. Math. Pures. Appl. Volume 83, 2004(137-161).

[18] A. Baklouti, N. Ben Salah and K. Smaoui: Some uncertainty principles for nilpotent Lie groups. Contemporary Mathematics. Volume 363, 2004(39-52).

[19] A. Baklouti, H. Fujiwara and J. Ludwig: Analysis of Restrictions of Unitary Representations of a Nilpotent Lie Group. Bull. Sci. Math. Volume 129, Issue 3, 2005, (187-209).

[20] A. Baklouti, S. Dhieb et D. Manchon: Déquatification des orbites coadjointes et variétés caractéristiques. J. Geo. Physics. Volume 54, N 1, 2005 (1-41).

[21] A. Baklouti and F. Khlif: Proper actions on some exponential solvable homogeneous spaces. Int. J. Math. Volume 16, N 9, 2005 (941-955).

[22] A. Baklouti and N. Ben Salah: The Lp-Lq Version of Hardy’s Theorem on nilpotent Lie groups. Forum Mathematicum. Volume 18, 2006 (245-262).

[23] A. Baklouti, H. Hamrouni and F. Khlif: Analysis of some monomial representations of exponential solvable Lie groups. Russ. J. Math. Physics. Volume 13, N 4, 2006 (363-379).

[24] A. Baklouti, J. Ludwig, L. Scuto and K. Smaoui: Estimate of the Lp-Fourier Transform Norm on Strong *-Regular Exponential Solvable Lie Groups. Acta. Math. Sinica. Volume 23, N 8, 2007 (1173-1188).

[25] A. Baklouti and F. Khlif: Weak proper actions on solvable homogeneous spaces. Int. J. Math. Volume 18, N 8, 2007 (903-918).

[26] A. Baklouti and H. Hamrouni: The multiplicity function of mixed representations on Completely solvable Lie groups. Tokyo. J. Math. Volume 30, N 1, 2007 (41-55).

[27] A. Baklouti and K. Tounsi: On the Benson-Ratcliff invariant of coadjoint orbits on nilpotent Lie groups. Osaka. J. Math. Volume 44, 2007 (399-414).

[28] A. Baklouti and N. Ben Salah: On Theorem of Beurling and Cowling-Price for certain nilpotent Lie groups. Bull. Sci. Math. Volume 132, No. 6, 2008 (529-550).

[29] A. Baklouti and E. Kaniuth: On Hardy's uncertainty principle for connected nilpotent Lie groups. Math. Z. Volume 259, No. 2, 2008 (233-247 ).

[30] A. Baklouti, I. Kédim and T. Yoshino : On the deformation space of Clifford-Klein forms of Heisenberg groups. Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN (2008), no. 16, 35 pp.

[31] A. Baklouti and I. Kédim: On the deformation space of Clifford-Klein forms of some exponential solvable homogeneous spaces. Int. J. Math. Vol 20, Issue 7, 2009(817-839

[32] A. Baklouti, J. Ludwig and H. Fujiwara: A variant of Frobenius reciprocity for restricted representations on nilpotent Lie groups. Infinite dimensional harmonic analysis IV. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific. 13-31 (2009).

[33] A. Baklouti: Deformation of discontinuous subgroups acting on some nilpotent homogeneous spaces. Proc. Japan Acad., 85, Ser. A. No. 4. (2009) 41-45.

[34] A. Baklouti and E. Kaniuth : On Hardy's uncertainty principle for solvable locally compact groups. J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 16, No. 1, 129-147 (2010).

[35] A. Baklouti and F. Khlif: Deforming discontinuous subgroups for threadlike homogeneous spaces. Geometria Dedicata. Vol 146, 117-140 (2010).

[36] A. Baklouti and I. Kédim : On non-abelian subgroups acting on exponential solvable homogeneous spaces. Int. Math. Res. Not. 2010, No. 7, 1315-1345 (2010).

[37] A. Baklouti and S. Thangavelu : Variants of Miyachi’s Theorem on Nilpotent Lie groups. J. Aust. Math. Soc. 88, No. 1, 1-17 (2010).

[38] F. Abdelmoula and A. Baklouti: The Lp-Lq-version of Morgan’s Theorem for exponential solvable Lie groups. Math. Notes. 88, No. 4, 464-478 (2010).

[39] A. Baklouti and J. Inoue: Estimate of the Lp-Fourier transform norm for connected nilpotent Lie groups. Adv. Pure. Appl. Math. 2, No. 3-4, 467-483 (2011).

[40] A. Baklouti, S. Dhieb, D. Manchon: A deformation approach of the Kirillov map for exponential groups. Adv. Pure Appl. Math. 2, No. 3-4, 421-436 (2011).

[41] A. Baklouti: On discontinuous subgroups acting on solvable homogeneous spaces, Proc. Jap. Academy, 87, Serial A. 87, No. 9, 173-177 (2011).

[42] A. Baklouti, S. Dhieb and K. Tounsi: When is the deformation space T (?,H2n+1,H) a smooth manifold, Int. J. Math. Vol. 22, No. 11 (2011) 1–21.

[43] A. Baklouti, F. Khlif and H. Koubaa. On the geometry of stable discontinuous subgroups acting on threadlike homogeneous spaces. Math. Notes, Volume 89, Numbers 5-6, 761-776(2011).

[44] A. Baklouti and J. Inoue: Estimate of the Lp-Fourier transform norm for connected nilpotent Lie groups. Adv. Pure Appl. Math. 2, No. 3-4, 467-483 (2011).

[45] L. Abdelmoula, A. Baklouti and I. Kédim: The Selberg-Weil-Kobayashi local rigidity Theorem for exponential Lie groups. Int. Math. Res. Not. No. 17, 4062-4084 (2012).

[46] A. Baklouti, N. ElAloui and I. Kédim. A rigidity Theorem and a Stability Theorem for two-step nilpotent Lie groups. J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 19 (2012), 1–27.

[47] A. Baklouti and I. Kédim. On the local rigidity of discontinuous groups for exponential solvable Lie groups. Adv. Pure. Appl. Maths. 4, No. 1, 3-20 (2013).

[48] F. Abdelmoula, A. Baklouti and D. Lahiani: The Lp-Lq-version of Miyachi’s Theorem for nilpotent Lie groups and sharpness problems. Math. Notes. 94, Issue 1-2, 3-19 (2013).

[49] A. Baklouti, J. Ludwig and H. Fujiwara: La formule de Penney-Plancherel des restrictions à multiplicités finies des groupes de Lie nilpotents. Adv. Pure Appl. Math. 4, No. 1, 21-40 (2013).

[50] A. Baklouti and I. Kédim. Open problems in deformation theory of discontinuous groups acting on homogeneous spaces. Int. J. Open Problems Comput. Math. , Vol. 6, No. 1, 2013, 115-131.

[51] S. Azouazi, A. Baklouti and M. Elloumi: Some uncertainty principles like Miyachi, Cowling-Price and Morgan, on compact extensions of Rn. Indian. J. Pure . App. Maths. Volume 44, Issue 5, pp 587-604 (2013).

[52] S. Azouazi, A. Baklouti and M. Elloumi: A generalizaton of Hardy's uncertainty principle on compact extensions of Rn. Annali. Math. Pura. Applicata. Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 193 (2014), no. 3, 723–737.

[53] A. Baklouti and J. Inoue: Estimate of the Lp-Fourier transform norm of compact extensions. Forum. Math. 26 (2014), no. 2, 621--636.

[54] A. Baklouti, J. Ludwig and H. Fujiwara: Intertwining Operators of irreducible representations for Exponential Solvable Lie groups. Forum. Math. 27 (2015), no 4, 2231-2257.

[55] A. Baklouti, S. Ghaouar, F. Khlif: Deforming discontinuous subgroups of reduced Heisenberg groups. Kyoto J. Math. 55 (2015), no. 1, 219–242.

[56] A. Baklouti, S. Ghaouar, F. Khlif: On discontinuous groups acting on $(\Bbb{H}_{2n+1}^r\times\Bbb{H}_{2n+1}^r)/\Delta$. Adv. Pure Appl. Math. 6 (2015), no. 2, 63–79.

[57] A.M. A. Alghamdi, A. Baklouti: A Beurling theorem for exponential solvable Lie groups. J. Lie Theory 25 (2015), no. 4, 1125–1137.

[58] S. Azaouzi, A. Baklouti, S. Ben Ayed: Variants of Müntz-Szàsz analogs for Euclidean spin groups. Math. Notes 98, No. 3, 367-381 (2015).

[59] A. Baklouti, D. Lahyani: Some uncertainty principles for diamond Lie groups. Adv. Pure Appl. Math. 6 (2015), no. 4, 199–213.

[60] A. Baklouti, N, ElAloui and I. Kédim. The Selberg-Weil-Kobayashi rigidity Theorem. The rank one solvable case. Int. J. Math, vol 27. no 10 (2016).1650085, 23 pp.

[61] A. Baklouti and S. Bejar. On the Calabi-Markus phenomenon and a rigidity theorem for Euclidean motion groups. Kyoto. J. Math. 56, N°2. (2016), 325-346.

[62] A. Baklouti and S. Bejar. Variants of stability of discontinuous groups for Euclidean motion groups. Int. J. Math. 28, No. 6, 26 p. (2017).

[63] A. Baklouti, M. Boussoffara and I. Kedim. Stability of Discontinuous Groups Acting on Homogeneous Spaces. Mathematical Notes, (2018), vol. 103, no. 4, pp. 9-22 .

[64] A. Baklouti and S. Thangavelu: Hardy and Miyachi Theorems for Heisenberg motion groups. Nagoya. Math. Journal, 229 (2018), 1-20.

[65] L. Abdelmoula, A. Baklouti and Y. Bouaziz: On the generalized moment separability theorem for type 1 solvable Lie groups. Adv. Pure. Appl. Math. 9(4): 247-277(2018).

[66] A. Baklouti, S. Bejar and Ramzi Fendri. A local rigidity Theorem for finite actions on Lie groups and application to compact extensions of Rn. Kyoto J. Math. 59, No. 3, 607-618 (2019).

[67] A. Baklouti, M. Bossofora and I. Kedim: Deformation problems on three-step nilpotent Lie groups. Hiroshima Math. J. 49, No. 2, 195-233 (2019).

[68] A. Baklouti, H. Fujiwara and J. Ludwig: The polynomial conjecture for restrictions of some nilpotent Lie groups representations. J. Lie Theory 29, No. 2, 311-341 (2019).

[69] A. Baklouti, H. Fujiwara and J. Ludwig: Monomial representations of discrete type of an exponential solvable Lie group. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 290(2019), 1–55.

[70] Baklouti, Ali; Ghaouar, Sonia; Khlif, Fatma A stability theorem for non-abelian actions on threadlike homogeneous spaces. Springer Proc. Math. Stat, 207(2017), 117–135.

[71] A. Baklouti, S. Dhieb and D. Manchon: The Poisson characteristic variety of unitary irreducible representations of exponential Lie groups. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 290(2019), 207–217.

[72] A. Baklouti, S. Bejar and K. Dhahri: Deforming discontinuous groups for Heisenberg motion groups. Int. J. Math. 30, No. 9, 23 p. (2019). https://doi.org/10.1142/S0129167X19500459

[73] Azaouzi Salma, Ali Baklouti and Mounir Elloumi. A generalized Beurling's Theorem for some Lie groups. Mathematical Notes. 107, 42–53 (2020).

[74] Ali Baklouti and Junko Inoue: The $L^p$-Fourier transform norm on compact extensions of locally compact groups. Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications. 26, 26 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00041-020-09739-5

[75] Ali Baklouti and Mahmoud Filali: Beurling’s Theorem on locally compact abelian groups. De Gruyter Proceedings in Mathematics 2020. To appear. https://doi.org/10.1515/futur-2012-0001

[76] Ali Baklouti and Sabria Benayed. Müntz-Szàsz analogues for compact extensions of Heisenberg groups. Proc Math Sci 131, 27 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12044-021-00617-8

[77] Ali Baklouti and Atsumu Sasaki. Visible actions and criteria for multiplicity-freeness of representations of Heisenberg groups. Journal of Lie Theory. https://www.heldermann.de/JLT/JLT31/JLT313/jlt31038.htm

[78] A. Baklouti, M. Chaabouni and R. Lahiani: Müntz-Szàsz theorem for connected nilpotent Lie groups. J. Ramanujan Math. Soc. 37, No.3, 287–300(2022).

[79] A. Baklouti, H. Fujiwara and J. Ludwig: A proof of the polynomial conjecture for restrictions of nilpotent Lie groups representations. Representation Theory, American Mathematical Society. 26, 616-634 (2022).

[80] S. Adili, A. Baklouti, and S. Bejar: Criterion of proper actions of abelian affine discontinuous groups for $\R^n$. Inter. J. Math. Vol. 33, No. 7, Article ID 2250048, 26 p. (2022).

[81] A. Baklouti, H. Fujiwara and J. Ludwig: A proof of the polynomial conjecture for nilpotent Lie groups monomial representations. Transactions. American. Math. Soc. 376, No. 9, 6015-6032 (2023).

[82] A. Baklouti, S. Bejar and R. Fendri: A criterion of proper action on some compact extensions of $\R^n$ and applications. Inter. J. Math. Vol. 34, No. 3 (23 pages) DOI: 10.1142/S0129167X23500106 (2023).

[83] A. Baklouti and H. Fujiwara: A solution to Duflo's polynomial problem for nilpotent Lie groups restricted representations. Progress in Mathematics. Birkhäuser Verlag. To appear

[84] A. Baklouti and H. Ishi: Open orbits and primitive zero ideals for solvable Lie algebras. Forum Math. 36, No. 3, 571-584 (2024)

[85] Ali Baklouti and Junko Inoue. Estimate of the $L^p$ -Fourier transform norm for some Lie groups. Birkhäuser/Springer, Cham, [2024] . To appear

[86] A. Baklouti and H. Fujiwara: Discrete type restricted representations of exponential groups and differential operators. Inter. J. Math. To appear

Survey Papers

[1] A. Baklouti: Dequantization of co-adjoint orbits : Moment Sets and characteristic varieties. Contemporary Mathematics. Volume 377, 2005 (79-91).

[2] A. Baklouti: Analogues to some uncertainty principles on certain solvable Lie groups. Adv. Pure Appl. Math. 3, No. 3, 265-279 (2012).

[3] A. Baklouti: On the $L^p$-Fourier transform norm for certain Lie groups. Analysis, geometry and representations on Lie groups and homogeneous spaces, 13–22, Sem. Math. Sci., 39, Keio Univ., Yokohama, 2016.


• Representation Theory of Solvable Lie Groups and Related topics: Jointly with H. Fujiwara (Fukuoka) and J. Ludwig (Metz-Luxembourg). Springer Monographs in Mathematics 2021. eBook ISBN 978-3-030-82044-2: https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030820435

• Deformation Theory of Discontinuous Groups: De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics 2022. ISBN: 9783110765304: https://www.degruyter.com/document/isbn/9783110765304/html

Previous And Current Research Students

Edited Volumes

Tunisian Mathematical Society Meeting 2022

Tunisian Mathematical Society Meeting 2022

Sixth Tunisian - Japanese Conference 2019

Sixth Tunisian - Japanese Conference 2019

Tunisian Mathematical Society Meeting 2019

Tunisian Mathematical Society Meeting 2019

Tunisian Mathematical Society Meeting 2018

Tunisian Mathematical Society Meeting 2018

Fifth Tunisian - Japanese Conference 2017

Fifth Tunisian - Japanese Conference 2017

Tunisian Mathematical Society Meeting 2017

Tunisian Mathematical Society Meeting 2017

Analysis and Geometry Conference 2014

Analysis and Geometry Conference 2014

 Third Tunisian-Japanese Conference 2013, Volume 2

Third Tunisian-Japanese Conference 2013, Volume 2

Third Tunisian-Japanese Conference 2013, Volume 1

Third Tunisian-Japanese Conference 2013, Volume 1

Second Tunisian-Japanese Conference 2011

Second Tunisian-Japanese Conference 2011

First Tunisian-Japanese Conference 2009

First Tunisian-Japanese Conference 2009

Fourth Tunisian-Japanese Conference 2015

Fourth Tunisian-Japanese Conference 2015

My Guest Speakers

Étienne Ghys, ENS Lyon, secrétaire perpétuel de l'Académie Française des Sciences

March 18-21, 2023: Sousse. Annual meeting of the Tunisian Mathematical Society, CSMT2023Invited TalkLe groupe des homéomorphismes de la sphère 

Philippe Jaming: Université de Bordeaux, Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux (France)

March 18-21, 2023: Sousse. Annual meeting of the Tunisian Mathematical Society, CSMT2023. Invited Talk: The Littlewood conjecture in the Besikovitch space

Michel Duflo: Centre de Mathématiques de Jussieu Université Paris 7 (France)

December 16-19, 2019: Djerba, Conference TJC2019 in honour of Takaaki Nomura. Invited talk: On Frobenius Lie subalgebras of simple Lie algebrasThe abstract is available here. M. Duflo attended all the Tunisian-Japanese Conferences except the fifth Conference

Jacques Faraut: Université Pierre et Marie Curie (France)

December 16-19, 2019: Djerba, Conference TJC2019 in honour of Takaaki NomuraInvited talk: Horn's problem, projection of orbital measures, and multivariate spline functionsThe abstract is available here.

Pierre Torasso: Université de Poitiers (France)

December 16-19, 2019: Djerba, Conference TJC2019 in honour of Takaaki NomuraInvited talk: Restriction of the metaplectic representation to an isotropic torusThe abstract is available here.

James Bradford Cole: National Academy of Sciences (Washington)

December 16-19, 2019: Djerba, Conference TJC2019 in honour of Takaaki NomuraInvited talk: Waves, their models, and information they carryThe abstract is available here.

Sami Mustapha: Centre de Mathématiques de Jussieu Université Paris 7 (France)

December 16-19, 2019: Djerba, Conference TJC2019 in honour of Takaaki NomuraInvited talk: Property (RD) for algebraic p-adic groupsThe abstract is available here.

Takeshi Kawazoe: Keio University (Yokohama)

December 16-19, 2019: Djerba, Conference TJC2019 in honour of Takaaki NomuraInvited talk: Singular integrals for Jacobi analysisThe abstract is available here.

Nobukazu Shimeno: Kwansei Gakuin University, Gakuen, (Sanda)

December 16-19, 2019: Djerba, Conference TJC2019 in honour of Takaaki NomuraInvited talk: Harmonic analysis of spherical functions for minuscule k-types on real semisimple Lie groupsThe abstract is available here

Hiroshi Oda: Tokyo University (Japan)

December 16-19, 2019: Djerba, Conference TJC2019 in honour of Takaaki NomuraInvited talk: Classification of minuscule K-types. The abstract is available here

Yuichiro Tanaka: Tokyo University (Japan)

December 16-19, 2019: Djerba, Conference TJC2019 in honour of Takaaki Nomura. Invited talk: A Cartan decomposition for a reductive real spherical subgroupThe abstract is available here

Abdelhamid Boussejra: Université Ibn Tofail Kénitra, (Morocco)

Abdellatif Bentaleb: Université Moulay Ismail Meknès, (Morocco)

December 16-19, 2019: Djerba, Conference TJC2019 in honour of Takaaki NomuraInvited talk: Higher order concentration of Gaussian measuresThe abstract is available here

Said Fahlaoui: Université Moulay Ismail Meknès, (Morocco)

December 16-19, 2019: Djerba, Conference TJC2019 in honour of Takaaki NomuraInvited talk: The continuous quaternion algebra-valued transform and the associated Miyachi's uncertainty principleThe abstract is available here

Dominique Manchon: University of Blaise-Pascal (France)

December 16-19, 2019: Djerba, Conference TJC2019 in honour of Takaaki NomuraInvited talk: The universal pre-Lie-Rinehart algebra of aromatic trees. The abstract is available hereFebruary 25- March 04, 2019. Invited talk: Les groupoïdes de Lie et leurs représentations unitaires. Abstract: Les groupoïdes de Lie sont des objets qui font le lien entre les variétés différentiables et les groupes de Lie, qui en sont des cas particuliers. Nous allons décrire la structure de Poisson sur le dual de l'algébroïde de Lie d'un groupoïde de Lie G, et formuler une conjecture de type Kirillov reliant l'espace des feuilles symplectiques de cette variété de Poisson avec les représentations unitaires de la C^*-algèbre de G. Nous illustrerons ce principe à l'aide de quelques exemples.
Dominique is a regular visitor to our laboratory LAMHA at the Mathematics Department of the Faculty of sciences of Sfax. His last visit took place in December 2017 and right after he attended and gave an invited talk at the fifth Tunisian-Japanese Conference of geometric and harmonic analysis on homogeneous spacesTJC2017.

Fanny Kassel: Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES), Paris (France)

December 17- 21, 2018. Invited talkNouveaux exemples d'actions affines propres sur R^n  AbstractLes actions propres de groupes discrets sur R^n par transformations affines ont été beaucoup étudiées en lien avec la théorie des pavages de R^n. Lorsque l’action est cocompacte, la conjecture d’Auslander affirme que le groupe discret doit être virtuellement résoluble. Lorsque l’action n’est pas cocompacte, il existe des groupes discrets non virtuellement résolubles agissant proprement sur R^n dès que n>2 : les premiers exemples ont été construits par Margulis en 1983. Jusqu'à présent, on ne connaissait d'exemple d'action affine propre irréductible sur R^n que pour des groupes virtuellement résolubles ou virtuellement libres. Nous construisons des exemples pour tous les groupes de Coxeter à angles droits. La preuve consiste, pour G=O(p,q), à construire des actions affines propres sur l’algèbre de Lie de G comme « versions infinitésimales » d’actions propres sur (GxG)/Diag(G). Travail en commun avec Jeffrey Danciger et François Guéritaud. 
Member of Jury and Referee of the thesis of Ramzi Fendri

Abdelghani Zeghib: University of Lyon, CNRS (France)

December 17- 21, 2018. Invited talkOn Causal Actions. AbstractA Causal structure on a manifold consists in giving a field of tangent cones: a convex proper cone in each tangent space. We are interested in the automorphism group of such a structure, particularly in the case where this group acts non-properly. Member of Jury and Referee of the thesis of Ramzi Fendri
January 2016. Member of jury and Referee of the thesis of Dr. Souhail Bejar. Invited talk: Configuration space: Geometry, Topology, Dynamics, Physics and Technology…


Samir Kabbaj: University of Kénitra (Morocco)

December 16-19, 2019: Djerba, Conference TJC2019 in honour of Takaaki NomuraInvited talk: Continuous frames in Hilbert A-modulesThe abstract is available here
December 17- 21, 2018. Member of Jury and Referee of the thesis of Sabria Ben AyedInvited talk: On the Evolution of d'Alembertís Functional Equations. AbstractThrough this presentation, I focus on the link  between the solutions of certain d'Alembert type functional equations and the Gelfand pairs. I also give the form of solutions on algebraic structures such as semi-groups and monoids. 

Atsumu Sasaki: Tokai University (Japan)

September 14-19, 2018. Invited talk 2Introduction to visible actions on complex manifolds.  AbstractThe notion of (strongly) visible actions on complex manifolds has been introduced by T. Kobayashi (2004, 2005) to give an unified explanation of multiplicity-freeness property of representations of Lie groups which are realized in holomorphic sections of Hermitian holomorphic vector bundles (Propagation theorem of multiplicity-freeness property for holomorphic vector bundles). First of this lecture, we summarize a relationship between multiplicity-free representations and visible actions. Next, we explain the notion of (strongly) visible actions on complex manifolds.  In particular, we show their elementary examples as many as possible. They include such as the torus action on the complex vector space, the SO(2)-action on the complex upper-half plane and the one coming from the diagonalizable of complex matrices. 
Invited talk 3Recent study on a classification of strongly visible actions. AbstractMany examples of (strongly) visible actions has been found in connection with multiplicity-free representations. Then, we expect that multiplicity-free representations realized in holomorphic sections have strongly visible actions on the base spaces. In this aspect, we explain the recent study on the classification problem of strongly visible actions. In this talk, we treat complex manifolds such as :
- Hermitian symmetric spaces, 

- complex vector spaces, 
- flag varieties, 
- nilpotent orbits in complex simple Lie algebras. 

Hideyuki Ishi: Nagoya University (Japan)

December 16-19, 2019: Djerba, Conference TJC2019 in honour of Takaaki NomuraInvited talk: Open orbits and primitive zero ideals for solvable Lie algebrasThe abstract is available here.
September 5-10, 2018. Invited talkHarmonic analysis for Frobenius Lie algebras. AbstractA real Frobenius Lie algebra is characterized as the Lie algebra of a Lie group admitting open coadjoint orbits. In the context of the orbit method, such open coadjoint orbits are expected to correspond to square-integrable unitary representations. We pose a conjecture about the relation between the formal degrees of the representations and the Pfaffian of the Frobenius Lie algebra.
December 2014. Invited talk: Holomorphically induced representation of a certain solvable Lie group.

Yoshinori Tanimura: Tokyo University (Japan)

From December 4, 2016 through February 18, 2017. Three invited talks: Talk 1: Rigidity and cohomology. Talk 2: A rigidity theorem for split Lie algebras.Talk 3: A splitting of local rigidity of Clifford-Klein forms whose translation groups are completely solvable. And also a talk on Baklouti's local rigidity Conjecture at the Faculty of sciences of Tunis in the "Topology Seminar".

Abdennacer Makhlouf: University haute-Alsace, Mulhouse (France)

December 16-19, 2019: Djerba, Conference TJC2019 in honour of Takaaki NomuraInvited talk: Recent developments on Rota-Boxter operators and their generalizationThe abstract is available here
November 2016: Member of Jury and Referee of the thesis of Samiha Hydri. June 2014: Member of Jury and Referee of the thesis of Warda Bensalah.

Cedric Villani: University of Claude-Bernard (France)

Series of lectures in Tunis and Sfax organized by MIMS through the program "MIMS distinguished lectures series". Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at "Faculté de Médecine de Sfax". Invited talk: Les merveilleux théorèmes de Monsieur Nash. Abstract: Pourquoi John Nash demeure-t-il, plus d'un demi-siècle après ses grandes théories, un personnage mythique - un symbole de créativité et de génie mathématique, aux théorèmes incroyables, une figure tutélaire pour des générations de mathématiciens, et l'un des rares scientifiques à avoir été le héros d'un film hollywoodien de son vivant ? Évoquons ensemble le cas du magicien Nash, et l'un de ses articles les plus extraordinaires. 

Camille Laurent-Gengoux: University of Lorraine (France)

December 16-19, 2019: Djerba, Conference TJC2019 in honour of Takaaki NomuraInvited talk: What is a Poisson structure on a differential stack?The abstract is available here
November 2016: Member of Jury and Referee of the thesis of Samiha Hydri.

Saîd Benayadi: University of Lorraine (France)

November 2016: Member of Jury and Co-advisor of the thesis of Samiha Hydri.

Abderrazak Bouaziz: University of Poitiers (France)

April 2016. Member of Jury and Referee of the habilitation thesis of Dr. Imed Kedim. Invited talk: Sur les champs de vecteurs invariants sur l’espace tangent d’un espace symétrique réductif.

Ibrahim Mashhour: University of Koweit

September 2015. Invited talk: On classification of 8-dimensional distributative quasifield over finite fields F_q.

Tarou Yoshino: Tokyo University (Japan)

March 2008. Invited talk: On proper actions on certain homogeneous spaces.

Houssem Haddar: University of Palaiseau (France)

October 2014. Invited talk: Selection of defective components in an unknown complex environment using electromagnetic multi static measurements.

Hidenori Fujiwara: University of Kinki (Japan)

December 16-19, 2019: Djerba, Conference TJC2019 in honour of Takaaki NomuraInvited talk: Intertwining operators between two equivalent monomial representations of an exponential solvable Lie groupThe abstract is available here
Hidenori is a regular visitor to the Faculty of Sciences of Sfax, Mathematics Department, Laboratory LAMHA. His last visit to Sfax took place in October 2014. Invited talk: Operateurs d'entrelacement pour les groupes de Lie résolubles exponentiels. After he got retired, the Third Tunisian-Japanese Conference was organised in his honor, which took place in Hammamet during December 17-21, 2013. Two special volumes (Volume 1 and Volume 2), subject of the Proceedings of the Conference were published by the occasion. 

Junko Inoue: University of Tottori (Japan)

December 16-19, 2019: Djerba, Conference TJC2019 in honour of Takaaki NomuraInvited talk: Semi-invariant vectors associated with holomorphically induced representations of exponential Lie groupsThe abstract is available here
Junko is also a regular visitor to the laboratory Laboratory LAMHA, Mathematics Department at the Faculty of Sciences of Sfax. Her last visit took place on September 2014. Invited talk: Holomorphically induced representations of solvable Lie groups: Examples of inductions from low-dimensional subgroups.

Fumio Hiroshima: University of Kyushu (Japan)

September 2014. Invited talk: Representations of infinite dimensional symplectic groups on Fock space and its applications.

Tilmann Wurzbacher: University of Lorraine (France)

May 2013. Member of jury of the habilitation thesis of Dr. Majdi Benhalima.

Ahmed Mohamed Alghamdi: Umm al-Qura University (Saudi Arabia)

November 2012. Member of jury of the thesis of Dr. Fatma Abdelmoula.

Sadok Kallel: University of Lille (France)

April 2010 and July 2015. Member of jury of the habilitation thesis of Dr. Fatma Khlif. Invited talk: On some configuration spaces.

Jean Ludwig: University of Lorraine (France)

December 16-19, 2019: Djerba, Conference TJC2019 in honour of Takaaki NomuraInvited talk: The C*-algebra of some solvable Lie groupsThe abstract is available here
Jean is my Phd thesis supervisor. He was also among the most regular visitors to the Faculty of Sciences of Sfax, Mathematics Department. His last visit to Sfax took place in May 2010. After he got retired, the Forth Tunisian-Japanese Conference was organised in his honor, which took place in Monastir during December 18-23, 2015. A special volume, subject of the Proceedings of the Conference was published by the occasion. 

Bradely. R. Currey: Saint Louis Missouri University (USA)

June 2010. Member of Jury and Referee of the habilitation thesis of Dr. Lobna Abdelmoula.

Didier Arnal: University of Bourgogne (France)

Didier was the most regular visitor to the Faculty of Sciences of Sfax, Mathematics Department. His last visit to Sfax took place in June 2010, where his was member of Jury of the habilitation thesis of Dr. Lobna Abdelmoula.

Takaaki Nomura: Kyushu University (Japan)

Mai 2008 and November 2014. Invited talk: Realization of homogeneous convex cones through oriented graphs.

Eberhard Kaniuth: Paderborn University (Germany)

February 2008. Member of jury and evaluator of the thesis of Dr. Nour Bensalah. Invited talk: Extending positive definite functions from subgroups of locally compact groups.

Toshiyuki Kobayashi: Tokyo University (Japan)

September 20​0​4. Faculty of Sciences of Sfax, Mathematics Department​, followed by the parallel Session: Lie Groups and Representation Theory at the conference PACOM2004, INSAT, Tunis. Invited talk: Conformal Geometry and Analysis on Minimal Representation of O(p,q).

Grigory Litvinov: University of Moscow (Russia)

October 2001, by the occasion of the days: "Journées de Physique mathématique" at the Faculty of Sciences of Sfax, Mathematics Department.

Selected Invited Lectures

March 1994 (Monastir, Tunisie): Deuxième Colloque de la Société Mathématique de Tunisie. "Opérateur d'entrelacement des représentations monomiales des groupes de Lie nilpotents".

August 1994 (Moscou, Russia): Participation au Congrès International de Mathématiques à Moscou organisé par l'International Sophus Lie Centre et la Russian Independant University. " On the cortex of two and three steps nilpotent Lie groups".

October 1995 (Luxembourg): Centre Universitaire de Luxembourg. "Méthode d'orbites et désintégration des représentations unitaires des groupes de Lie nilpotents".

June 1996 (Metz, France): Colloque Metz-Nancy-Strasbourg. " Sous-groupes de Kazdhan et moyennes invariantes sur la sphère".

February 1997 (Luxembourg): Centre Universitaire de Luxembourg. "Analyse multirésolution, bases orthonormées et bases de Riesz".

June 1997 (Poitiers, France): Colloque en l'honneur de Pierre Bernat, Université de Poitiers."Séparation des représentations unitaires des groupes de Lie nilpotents".

February 1998 (Paris, France): Paris 7, Jussieu. "Analyse harmonique sur les espaces homogènes exponentiels".

June 1998 (Leiden, Pays Bas): Leiden University, The Netherlands, ESGT 98/ European School in Group Theory. "Harmonic Analysis for Certain Monomial Representations of an Exponential Solvable Lie Group".

March 1999 (Tabarka, Tunisia): Colloque de la Société Mathématique de Tunisie. "Frobenius reciprocity and differential operators on certain solvable homogeneous spaces.”

April 1999 (Las Vegas, U.S.A): Sectional Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Las Vegas (U.S.A)."Generalized Moment Sets and Unitary Representations of Exponential Solvable Lie Groups ".

April 1999 (Saint-Louis, U.S.A): The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. The University of Saint Louis at Missouri.

February 2000 (Monastir, Tunisia): "Opérateurs Différentiels sur l’espace de la restriction d’une représentation unitaire d’un groupe de Lie résoluble exponentiel ".

July 2000 (Barcelone, Spain): European Congress of Mathematics: "Differential Operators on the Space of a Unitary Representation of Exponential Lie Groups".

July 2000 (Vigo, Spain): First Colloquim on Lie Theory and applications: "Harmonic Analysis on Some Exponential Solvable Homogeneous Spaces".

August 2000 (Odense, Danemark): European School in Group Theory and Plancherel Formula: " The Penney-Fujiwara-Plancherel Formula of Nilpotent Lie Groups ".

March 2001 (Hammamet, Tunisia): SMT 2001. " Analyse Harmonique sur les Espaces homogènes Exponentiels ".

October 2001 (Luxembourg): "Estimation de la norme de la transformée de Fourier Lp sur les groupes résolubles ".

October 2001 (Nancy, France): " Estimation de la norme de la transformée de Fourier Lp sur les groupes de Lie nilpotents ".

October 2001 (Metz, France): "Commutativité des sous-algèbres dans l’algèbre enveloppante d’un groupe de Lie nilpotent ".

August 2002 (Bejing, China): International Congress of Maths, ICM 2003: "Differential operators on the space of restricted representations on nilpotent Lie groups".

December 2002 (Clermont Ferrand, France): "Multiplicités des Représentations mixtes des groupes de Lie complètement résolubles".

February 2003 (Vienna, Austria): International workshop on Idempotent Mathematics and dequantization. "Dequantization of coadjoint orbits: Moment sets and Characteristic varieties".

August 2003 (Edmonton, Canada): Banach Algebra 2003. " The Cowling-Price Theorem for Nilpotent Lie Groups ".

September 2003 (Munich, Germany): GSF-International workshop on Uncertainty priciples. GSF-International workshop on Uncertainty priciples. " Some Uncertainty principles on Nilpotent Lie Groups ".

September 2003 (Sfax, Tunisia): Troisièmes Journées d’Analyse harmonique. : " Sur Certains Principes d’incertitude sur les groupes de Lie Nilpotents ".

October 2003 (Luxembourg): " Le Théorème de Cowling-Price sur les groupes de Lie Nilpotents ".

December 2003 (Clermont Ferrand, France): " Le Théorème de Cowling-Price sur les groupes de Lie Nilpotents ".

June 2004 (Escorial, Spain): " Some Uncertainty principles and Harmonic Analysis on Nilpotent Lie Groups ".

July 2004 (Istanbul, Turkey): " Differential Operators on the space of a Restricted Representation on Nilpotent Lie groups ".

November 2004 (Awajishima, Japan): "Weak proper actions on exponential homogeneous spaces ".

April 2005 (Munich, Germany): "Some uncertainty principles on NPC nilpotent Lie groups".

May 2005 (Dijon, France): "Sur les actions propres sur les espaces homogènes nilpotents".

June 2005 (Kiel, Germany): "Some uncertainty principles on NPC nilpotent Lie groups".

April 2006 (Paderborn, Germany): "The Cowling-Price Theorem on 2-NPC nilpotent Lie groups".

July 2006 (Istanbul, Turkey):"Weak proper actions on solvable homogeneous spaces ".

September 2006 (Clermont-Ferrand, France):"Actions faiblement propres sur les espaces homogènes exponentiels".

December 2006 (Dijon, France): "Actions faiblement propres sur les espaces homogènes résolubles".

February 2007 (Kyushu, Japan): "Proper and weak proper actions on solvable homogeneous spaces ".

February 2007 (RIMS-Kyoto, Japan): "Some uncertainty principles on nilpotent Lie groups ".

May 2007 (Oujda, Morocco): "Opérateurs d’entrelacement des representations monomiales des groupes de Lie nilpotents".

September 2007 (Metz, France): "Harmonic Analysis on monomial representations of a nilpotent Lie groups ".

November 2007 (Dijon, France): "Harmonic Analysis on monomial representations of a nilpotent Lie groups ".

December 2007 (Hong-Kong): "Deformation spaces of an action of discontinuous subgroups on nilpotent homogebeous spaces ".

April 2008 (Paderborn, Germany): "Deforming discontinuous subgroups on homogeneous spaces".

June 2008 (Elescorial, Spain): "On Hardy’s Theorem on connected nilpotent Lie group".

August 2008 (Bangalore, India) (two lectures): "General Uncertainty principles on solvable Lie groups ".

November 2008 (Luminy, Marseille):"The deformation spaces of the action of discontinuous subgroups acting on solvable homogeneous spaces".

November 2008 (Atami, Japan):"The deformation spaces of the action of discontinuous groups acting on solvable homogeneous spaces ".

February 2009 (Kyushu, Japan): "Rigidity property of deformations on nilpotent Lie groups ".

April 2009 (Kénitra, Morocco): "Description de l’espace de deformation des actions des groupes discontinus".

July 2009 (Casablanca, Morocco): "Sur certains principes d’incertitude pour les groupes de Lie nilpotents".

December 2009 (Taiwan): "The Plancherel Theorem of monomial representation of exponential discrete type".

March 2010 (SMT, Sousse): "Some uncertainty principles on solvable Lie groups".

July 2010 (Oulou, Finland): "On sharpness problems of some uncertainty principles on nilpotent Lie groups".

June 2011 (Luxembourg): "Estimate of the Fourier transform norm on some Lie groups".

June 2011 (China): "Some uncertainty principles on certain Lie groups".

March 2012 (HRI, India): "The representation theory of nilpotent Lie groups". (Four lectures)

September 2012 (MIMS, Tunis): "The theory of discontinuous subgroups acting on homogeneous spaces".

October 2012 (Nice, France): "On the geometry of discontinuous subgroups acting on homogeneous spaces".

November 2012 (Tokyo): "On the geometry of discontinuous subgroups acting on solvable homogeneous spaces".

November 2012 (Tokyo): "Some aspects of the deformation theory of discontinuous subgroups of solvable homogeneous spaces".

Decemmber 2012 (Sousse) :"Harmonic analysis on monomial representations of exponential solvable Lie groups".

January 2013 (Kyushu, Japan): "Harmonic analysis on monomial representations of discrete type of exponential solvable Lie groups".

April 2013 (Clermont-Ferrand, France): "Sur les representations de type discret des groups de résolubles exponentials".

Mai 2013 (Granada, Spain): "On the $L^p-$Fourier transform norm on some Lie groups".

February 2014 (Tsukuba): "On the Fourier transform on some Lie groups".

February 2014 (Kyushu, Japan): "On the theory of deformation of discontinuous actions on homogeneous spaces".

December 2014 (Marrakech, Morocco): "On the Lp-Fourier transform norm on some Lie groups".

January 2015 (Hammamet, Tunisia): "On the Fourier transform on some Lie groups".

August 2015 (Halifax, Canada): "On the Lp-Fourier transform norm on some Lie groups".

December 2015 (New Delhi): "Estimate of the Lp-Fourier transform norm on certain Lie groups".

February 2016 (Tsukuba, Japan): "Some uncertainty principles on certain Lie groups ".

September 2016 (Tsukuba, Japan): "Hardy’s theorem on Lie groups".

January 2017 (Tottori, Japan): "Monomial representations of discrete types for certain exponential Lie groups ".

July 2017 (Oberwolfach, Germany): "On the Lp-Fourier transform norm for some solvable Lie groups and their compact extensions". https://www.mfo.de/occasion/1730/www_view

January 2018 (Bilbao, Spain):“Some uncertainty principales on solvable Lie groups and their compact extensions” https://sites.google.com/site/uncertainty2018/

February 2018 ((The Tunisian Academy of Sciences, letters and Arts: Beit al HikmaTunisian Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts: Beit Elhikma): "L'infini". http://www.beitalhikma.tn/conference-linfinijeudi-22-fevrier-201816h00/?lang=fr

March 2018 (TEM2018: Ibn Tofail, Kenitra Morocco): "On the L^p Fourier Transform on some Lie groups". http://ensa.unit.ac.ma/tem2018

May 2018 (Casablanca, Morocco). Harmonic Analysis and Integral Geometry: "A full generalized version of Hardy's Theorem on nilpotent Lie groups".

June 2018 (20-23, University of Haute Alsace, Mulhouse, France): Algebra and Lie Theory Conference. "Monomial representations of discrete type and differential operators". http://www.math.uha.fr/webALT18/home.html

September 2018 (Rabat, Morocco). Académie Hassan II des Sciences et Techniques: Mathématiques, Applications et Interactions avec la Physique: Quelques propriétés de la transformée de Fourier sur certains groupes de Lie.

October 2018 (IHES, PARIS-SACLAY, https://www.ihes.fr/): "On the deformation theory of discontinuous groups acting on solvable homogeneous spaces" https://indico.math.cnrs.fr/event/3969/

October 2018 (Metz, Université de Lorraine, France): "C'est quoi l'analogue du Théorème de Müntz-Szász pour un groupe de Lie?" Théorie de Lie, Géométrie et Analyse (LieGA): http://www.iecl.univ-lorraine.fr/Les-Seminaires/LieGA/

October 2018 (Journées SL2(R) à Reims): "Does "ax+b" stand for the solvable analogue of SL2(R) in deformation theory ?" https://indico.math.cnrs.fr/event/3782/overview

October 2018 (Laboratoire de Mathématiques Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand): "Représentations monomiales des groupes de Lie exponentiels et opérateurs différentiels" http://recherche.math.univ-bpclermont.fr/seminaires/gt_gaao.php

December 2018 (Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo): "Monomial representations of discrete type and differential operators": https://www.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/seminar/2018/sem18-268_e.html

December 2018 (Faculty of Mathematics, Kyushu University, Japan): "Müntz-Szàsz analogues for some compact extensions of nilpotent Lie groups".

February 2019 (Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya, Japan): "Harmonic analysis on monomial representations of exponential Lie groups and a counterexample to Duflo’s Conjecture": http://www.math.nagoya-u.ac.jp/en/research/calendar/data/1547169713-98.html

April 2019 (Marrakech, Morocco, In memory of Ahmad Intissar): "Harmonic analysis around monomial representations of exponential Lie groups": https://icmmp2019.doodlekit.com/

April 2019 (American University of Sharjah, UAE. Department of Mathematics and Statistics): "Branching laws of some unitary representations of exponential Lie groups and related differential operators algebras".

April 2019 (New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE): "Some problems related to Fourier analysis on solvable Lie groups and their compact extensions".

July 2019 (Winnipeg, Canada): Banach Algebra 2019. "Some uncertainty principles on nilpotent Lie groups (in memory of Eberhard Kaniuth)": https://server.math.umanitoba.ca/~banach2019/

October 2019 (Errachidia, Morocco): Workshop on Harmonic Analysis and Integral Geometry with Applications. "Sharpness problems related to some uncertainty principles on nilpotent Lie groups": https://whaiga2019.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/13

July 2020 (Tunis): GTT 1 : Geometry and Topology in Tunisia I. "Est ce que la géométrie des orbites coadjointes serait derrière une preuve de la conjecture polynomiale des restrictions nilpotentes?" https://www.mims-institut.org/events/

December 2021 (Hansraj College, India): Online International Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics. "The $L^p$-Fourier transform norm on compact extensions of locally compact groups" https://mathshrc.com/conference/

February 2022 (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India): Analysis and Probability Research Group (APRG): "The $L^p$-Fourier transform norm on compact extensions of locally compact groups" http://math.iisc.ac.in/~aprg/index.php?id=seminar21-22

March 2022 (Mahdia, Tunisia): 25th Meeting of the Tunisian Mathematical Society: "A proof of the polynomial conjecture for restrictions of nilpotent Lie groups representations" http://www.tms.rnu.tn/index.php?afficher_page=colloque2022.php#pre

June 2022 (Reims University, France): Symmetry in Geometry and Analysis (In honor of the 60th birthday of Toshiyuki Kobayashi): "On the polynomial conjecture for restrictions of nilpotent Lie groups representations" https://sites.google.com/view/tk60/home?authuser=0

August 2022 (Université Marien Ngouabi, Brazzaville, Congo): "On polynomial conjectures for nilpotent Lie groups unitary representations" https://www.pacom2022.com/

September 2022 (Tokyo University, Japan): Geometry, Analysis, and Representation Theory of Lie Groups (by the occasion of the 60th birthday of Toshiyuki Kobayashi): "A Collaboration with Toshiyuki Kobayashi, Fruitful present and Thriving future" https://sites.google.com/view/tk60tokyo

September 2022 (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia: Online seminar): "Estimate of the $L^p$-Fourier transform norm on certain locally compact groups" http://www.fmipa.unpad.ac.id

Novembre 2022 (Hammamet, Tunisia): Journées Analyse Mathématique et Applications 2022 (In honor of Mohamed Sifi): "The $L^P$-Fourier transform norm for some compact extensions of Lie groups" http://www.tms.rnu.tn/cv/confposter922.pdf

Novembre 2022 (Univ. du Littoral Côte d’Opale Calais, France): GDR Renormalisation Annual Meeting 2022 (In honor of Dominique Manchon): "Frobenius Exponential Lie algebras and Zariski Closure Conjecture: A longstanding work with Dominique Manchon " https://sites.google.com/view/gdrrenorm2022/home?authuser=0

February 2023 (Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET), Kuwait): "Switching from commutative to non-commutative harmonic analysis and Lie groups interpretation"

March 2023 (Tottori University, Japan): "On polynomial Conjectures for nilpotent Lie groups unitary representations"

March 2023 (RGOSA online seminar: Research Group on Ordered Structures with Applications): "On polynomial Conjectures for nilpotent Lie groups unitary representations" https://rgosa.net/seminar/season-2022-2023/

April 2023 (Euro-Maghreb Conference in Algebra, Geometry and Lie Theory, Sousse, Tunisia): "On polynomial Conjectures for nilpotent Lie groups unitary representations"

May 2023 (Harmonic Analysis and PDEs: Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny - Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire)): "The $L^p$-Fourier transform norm for some Lie groups" https://www.gahaa.ci/

June 2023 (Research Seminar "Differential geometry and Analysis": Philipps Universität Marburg (Allemagne)): Deformation of Discontinuous groups acting on Homogeneous Spaces. https://www.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/~agricola/FS.html

July 2023 (The 9th SEAMS-UGM 2023 International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications, Indonesia): "On polynomial Conjectures for nilpotent Lie groups unitary representations" https://seams-ugm.id/AlgebraMS/

July 2023 (Guest Lecture and Research Sharing “Representation Theory of Lie Groups and Its Applications” Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia): "Representation Theory of Lie Groups and Differential Geometry" https://fmipa.unpad.ac.id/guest-lecture-and-research-sharing-representation-theory-of-lie-groups-and-its-application/

September 2023 (OCAMI workshop: "Representation Theory and Differential Geometry on homogeneous spaces": Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan): "The Zariski Closure Conjecture of coadjoint orbits of exponential solvable groups" https://sites.google.com/view/tunisian-japanese-conference/home/2023-7th/ocami-workshop

November 2023 (7th Tunisian-Japanese Conference: "Geometric and Harmonic Analysis on Homogeneous Space and Applications": Monastir, Tunisia): "On polynomial Conjectures for nilpotent Lie groups unitary representations" https://sites.google.com/view/tunisian-japanese-conference/home/2023-7th?authuser=0

December 2023 (Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi, India): "The $L^p$-Fourier transform norm for some Lie groups" https://maths.du.ac.in/Events/PDF/Baklouti-talk.jpg

December 2023 (18th Discussion Meeting in Harmonic Analysis. In honor of the centenary year of Harish Chandra, Department of Mathematics, IIT Guwahati India: "The polynomial Conjecture for monomial representations of discrete type of an exponential solvable Lie group" https://event.iitg.ac.in/dmha18/

January 2024 (International Conference of Mathematics and Applications ICMA2024: Mata Sundri College of Women: University of Delhi, India) "Polynomial conjectures for unitary representations of a nilpotent Lie group" https://conferences.mscw.ac.in/

March 2024 (First International Conference of Harmonic Analysis and Applications, Casablanca, Morocco) “Estimate of the $L^p$-Fourier transform norm for compact extensions of locally compact groups” https://ichahsa-casa.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/20

May 2024 (Samarkand State University, Department of Mathematics, Uzbekistan) “Harmonic Analysis and Lie groups, an overview on Analysis, Algebra, and Geometry”

June 2024 (Algebra and Deformations: Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse. In honor of Professor Abdenacer Makhlouf for his 60th birthday) “A proof of the Zariski Closure Conjecture of exponential solvable groups” https://sites.google.com/nyu.edu/algebra-mulhouse-2024/home?authuser=0

July 2024 (GTT - Geometry and Topology in Tunisia III, Tunis, Lac II) "Toward the resolution of the Zariski closure conjecture for exponential Lie groups" https://www.mims-institut.org/events/details/226

Septembre 2024 (Laboratoire de Mathématiques Blaise Pascal, UMR 660: Clermont-Ferrand, France) "About the Zariski Closure Conjecture for exponential Lie groups" https://lmbp.uca.fr/seminaires/gt_gaao.php

Visiting Positions

• 1998 and 2000: University of Metz (France). (By Professor Jean Ludwig).

• 1999: Saint-Louis, Missouri, USA. The Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences. (By Professors Chal Benson and Gail Ratcliff).

• 2001 : University of Nancy (France). Institut Henri Poincaré. (By Professor Dominique Manchon, Project CNRS-DGRST).

• 2002: University of Kinki, Fukuoka, Japon. Institute of Technology. (By Professor Hidenori Fujiwara).

• 2002 and 2003 : University of Clermont-Ferrand (France). University Blaise Pascal. (By Professor Dominique Manchon, Project CNRS-DGRST).

• 2004 : RIMS, Kyoto. (By Professor Toshiyuki Kobayashi).

• 2006: University of Clermont-Ferrand. University Blaise Pascal. (By Professor Dominique Manchon, Project CNRS-DGRST).

• 2006: University of Paderborn (Germany). (By Professor Eberhard Kanuith).

• 2007: University of Kinki, Fukuoka, Japan. Institute of Technology. (By Professor Hidenori Fujiwara).

• 2007: RIMS, Kyoto. (By Professor Toshiyuki Kobayashi).

• 2007 : Max-Planck Institute. Bonn, (Germany). (By Professor Bernhard Krötz).

• 2007: Universities of Clermont-Ferrand and Bourgogne. (By Professors Dominique Manchon and Didier Arnal).

• 2007: University of Luxembourg. Département de Mathématiques. (By Professor Carine Molitor-Braun).

• 2008: University of Paderborn (Germany). (By Professor Eberhard Kanuith).

• 2008: Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (India). (By Professor Sunduram Thangavelu).

• 2008: Universities of Clermont-Ferrand and Bourgogne. (By Professors Dominique Manchon and Didier Arnal).

• 2009: University of Kinki, Fukuoka, Japan. Institute of Technology. (By Professor Hidenori Fujiwara).

• 2009: University of Clermont-Ferrand. University Blaise Pascal. (By Professor Dominique Manchon).

• 2010: University of Clermont-Ferrand. University Blaise Pascal. (By Professor Dominique Manchon).

• 2011: University of Metz. (By Professor Jean Ludwig).

• 2011: University of Clermont-Ferrand.University Blaise Pascal. (By Professor Dominique Manchon).

• 2011: University of Oulou (Finland). (By Professor Mahmoud Filali).

• 2012: University of Allahabad. Harish-Chandra Institute. (By Professor Ratnakumar P. K).

• 2012 University of Tottori. (By Professor Junko Inoue).

• 2012: University of Metz. (By Professor Jean Ludwig).

• 2012-2013: JSPS grant. (Fukuoka, Tottori and Tokyo) (By Professor Hidenori Fujiwara).

• 2013: University of Clermont-Ferrand. University Blaise Pascal. (By Professor Dominique Manchon).

• 2015: University of Tottori and University of Nagoya. (By Professors Junko Inoue and Hideyuki Ishi).

• 2017: University of Metz. (By Professor Jean Ludwig).

• 2017: University of Tottori and Tsukuba. (By Professors Junko Inoue and James Cole).

• 2017: University of Tokyo. (By Professor Toshiyuki Kobayashi).

• 2018: University of Clermont-Ferrand. University Blaise Pascal. (By Professor Dominique Manchon).

• 2018: IHES (Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques, UNIVERSITÉ PARIS-SACLAY): https://www.ihes.fr/

• 2019: Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University. (By Professor Hideyuki Ishi).

• 2019: IHES (Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques, UNIVERSITÉ PARIS-SACLAY). (By Professor Fanny Kassel).

• 2020: University of Lorraine (Metz). (By Professors Camille Laurent-Gengoux and Jean Ludwig).

• 2022: Osaka Metropolitan University (By Professor Hideyuki Ishi).

• 2023: University of Tottori, Japan. (By Professor Junko Inoue).

• 2023: Osaka Metropolitan University (By Professor Hideyuki Ishi).

• 2024: Laboratoire de Mathématiques Blaise Pascal, UMR 660: Clermont-Ferrand, France (By Professor Dominique Manchon).

Organized Conferences

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  • Faculty of Sciences of Sfax
    Mathematics Department
    Route de Soukra , B.P 1171
    3000 Sfax -Tunisia
  • ali.baklouti@fss.usf.tn
  • (216) 98 641 600
    (216) 74 676 210
  • (216) 74 274 437